Monday, May 11, 2009

What Does The Baby In A King Cake Represent

Mardi Gras is a fun time of year for many of the residents and visitors of Louisiana. It is a time of celebration that ends before Ash Wednesday. After Ash Wednesday, the fasting of Lent begins. One of the significant traditions about Mardi Gras is the King Cake, which has a "baby" in it. The majority of Louisiana residents know what the baby in the King Cake represents, but many visitors do not.

The Facts

There several different thoughts regarding the baby in the King Cake. Traditionally, the baby buried in the King Cake represents the Baby Jesus. Also, it has been said that the person who finds the baby is the King or Queen for the day--they have to throw the next party and that person is said to have good luck. The baby is baked into each cake and adds a degree of excitement to the festivities to see who ends up finding the baby.


The King Cake is an oval cake in honor of the three kings. The King Cake tradition came to New Orleans with the first French settlers and has stayed every since. The King Cake was part of the family's celebration and did not take on a public role until after the Civil War during Mardi Gras.

Time Frame

King Cakes can normally be purchased from Fat Tuesday through Ash Wednesday throughout the state of Louisiana. At the beginning of each year, natives of Louisiana look forward to getting the first taste of a King Cake. After that time period, King Cake fans have to wait until the next year when Mardi Gras starts again.


The babies inside King Cakes were once made of ceramic but have been replaced with plastic ones.


Many people benefit from participating in the tradition of the baby in the King Cake because it helps them to see the correlation with the religious origins of the tradition with the baby representing Jesus and the journey of the three wise men to find him. This gives more significance and appreciation to the person who finds the baby in the King Cake.

Tags: King Cake, baby King, baby King Cake, Mardi Gras, Cake represents