Buy in bulk, preserve the extras.
Preserve cooked yams for up to a year by properly storing them in a freezer. Cooked yams can be completely frozen and thawed without greatly effecting the flavor or the texture. Save time and prevent raw yams from rotting by cooking them all at once and then preserving the leftovers until they are needed. Limiting the available oxygen and keeping temperatures below freezing will prevent the bacterial growth that causes cooked yams to quickly spoil.
1. Wrap each individual cooked yam in a small piece of aluminum foil.
2. Load the
3. Seal the container securely and affix a strip of masking tape to the front with the date of exactly one year in the future written on it in permanent ink.
4. Slide the container into a freezer that maintains a temperature of 0 degrees Fahrenheit or below. Twist the container so the expiration date label faces out.
5. Thaw the yams in the oven or microwave before they reach their expiration date. Remove the aluminum foil wrappers before placing the yams in the microwave.