Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Good Food To Eat For Sugar Diabetes

If you've been diagnosed with sugar diabetes, you need to take care of your health by making good choices about what you eat. Choosing the right foods will help you to control your blood sugar and feel your best. Good foods to eat for sugar diabetes include natural nutrient-rich foods such as nonstarchy vegetables, whole grains and protein foods.

Non-Starchy Vegetables

The American Diabetic Association recommends that you make nonstarchy vegetables the largest part of your meal. Half of each meal should consist of these low-glycemic, vitamin-packed foods. Choose a variety of green vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, broccoli, kale, okra, lettuce and green beans. Add colorful vegetables such as carrots, bell peppers, squash, tomatoes and beets. Other nonstarchy vegetables that are good for sugar diabetes include mushrooms, cauliflower, turnips, onions, salsa and vegetable juices. Avoid cooking the vegetables in shortening or adding butter or margarine. Try lightly steaming the vegetables and seasoning them with herbs for the best flavor and most nutrition.

Starchy Foods

One-fourth of each meal should consist of fiber-rich, whole grain foods, according to the American Diabetic Association. Fiber slows digestion of your food and helps to even out your blood sugar. Choose whole grain breads, high-fiber cold cereals, whole grain crackers, tortillas and pasta, hot cereals such as grits, cream of wheat and oatmeal. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, beans and peas are good foods to choose in this category, as well. You can choose healthy snack foods such as fat-free popcorn, baked chips, and whole grain pretzels. Avoid fried foods in this category such as fried potato chips and corn chips. Cut down on the amount of butter or margarine you add to these foods and avoid sugary cereals.


Fill the last fourth of your plate with proteins such as meat or meat substitutes. Avoid fatty meats, which are high in cholesterol, and choose lean meats such as skinless turkey or chicken instead. Other good protein foods for sugar diabetes include lean cuts of beef and pork, eggs, tofu and low-fat cheese. Low-mercury fish such as salmon, cod, tuna and halibut as well as seafood such as shrimp, oysters and clams are healthy choices as well, if you avoid serving them breaded and fried.

Other Foods

Other good foods for people with sugar diabetes include low-fat dairy foods such as milk, yogurt and kefir and small amounts of whole fruit, fruit juice or fruit salad. Since most people don't enjoy eating vegetables for breakfast, the American Diabetic Association recommends that breakfast consist of ¼ protein foods, ¼ fruit and ½ starchy whole grain foods.

Tags: whole grain, diabetes include, sugar diabetes, sugar diabetes include, American Diabetic, American Diabetic Association