Thursday, July 12, 2012

Prevent Cake From Sticking To The Pan

When baking a cake, you want to easily pull it from the pan it's cooked in. This helps when transferring the cake to the plate or platter you'll be serving it from. Using a non-stick surface is best, but if one is not available or you want to make sure you prevent the cake from sticking, follow these steps.


1. Choose a pan for your cake. Use any shape you desire, and select the size based on the amount of cake you're making.

2. Cover the bottom and sides of the pan with aluminum foil. A non-stick variety works best. Press foil down and around all corners of the pan.

3. Spray the pan with the cooking spray of your choice or grease the pan. When greasing you can use butter, unsalted fat dusted with flour or anything else you normally use. Bake the cake until finished.

4. Cool the cake and slice it. Use a small spatula that will hold each piece as you lift each one onto a plate. As an added bonus, you'll have little to no clean-up for the cake pan.
