Friday, September 28, 2012

Deseed An Avocado

Remove the seed from an avocado in just three steps.

Avocados are a delightful, colorful and creamy complement to salads, sandwiches and dips. They are extremely fast and simple to use and many recipes exist for most applications. Avocados are generally pear-shaped and range from pale green in color to greenish-black when they are fully ripe. A ripe avocado is soft and yields to gentle pressure when squeezed. Pale green avocados that are very firm are not ripe and will not be ready for use for approximately five to seven days. Avocados are ripened on the kitchen counter and not in the refrigerator.


1. Wash the avocado under clear running water and dry with a paper towel. Cut the avocado lengthwise from top to bottom all the way around the avocado. When a knife cuts through the skin into the flesh it carries any infection on the outside to the inside.

2. Hold the avocado with one hand on each side of the cut and twist to separate the two halves.

3. Slip a spoon under the seed and scoop it out. The seed comes out easily without loss of any of the fruit.
