About Jungle Juice
Main Ingredients
The main alcohol in Jungle Juice is Everclear, a name brand containing between 75 and 95 percent grain alcohol depending on its concentration. In some places grain alcohol is illegal, so you can substitute vodka, which is about a third as potent. The second main ingredient is fruit punch. If you can't use fruit punch, substitute Kool-Aid. Use at least eight times more fruit punch than Everclear.
Fruit Ingredients
Fruit is the third most important ingredient in Jungle Juice. Use chunks of fresh or canned pineapple, apples, oranges or any other fruit you like. The fruit should be soaked in the mixture a few hours before the party. But beware: The fruit often becomes much more potent than the Jungle Juice itself.
Optional Ingredients
Other ingredients that can be added are lemon-lime soda, Sunny Delight, rum, triple sec and different types of fruit schnapps. Add ingredients a little at a time, mix and taste-test. Adding other liquors, especially dark liquors, could make the mixture taste bad so be careful. Be sure to warn your guests of the drink's potency.
Jungle Juice usually tastes like it doesn't contain a lot of alcohol. People often drink too much of it because they don't realize how potent it is. If you make Jungle Juice for your party, make sure your guests understand what they're drinking or you could be held liable for their safety. A designated driver should not be drinking Jungle Juice.
Tags: Jungle Juice, fruit punch, because they,