Friday, May 18, 2012

Make Rye Bread

Rye bread is an interesting blend of spices and ingredients which most people feel must be complicated, but it's not as tough as it seems. The biggest ingredient you need in making rye bread is a lot of patience. If you can achieve that ingredient then you will enjoy making this delicious and somewhat healthy bread.


The Starter

1. Combine the rye flour, yeast, water, caraway seeds and onion in a large bowl.

2. Put a cover on the mixture.

3. Let the starter stand for a full 24 hours in a warm spot.

Stage One of the Sour

4. Use your starter loaf as the base for your sour.

5. Take the water and rye flour and add them to the starter.

6. Combine all ingredients until they are smooth.

7. Cover the mixture and let this new mixture stand for at least 24 hours.

Stage Two of the Sour

8. Combine the water and rye flour with your newly created sour from stage one.

9. Be sure that the mixture is smooth.

10. Put a cover on the mixture.

11. Let the mixture stand in a warm spot for approximately 4 hours.

Stage Three of the Sour

12. Mix the sour, water and rye flour together until they are smooth.

13. Cover.

14. Let the mixture stand for approximately 4 hours.

The Bread

15. Take out a large bowl and put the yeast and water in it. Allow the yeast to dissolve.

16. Stir in the sour.

17.Combine 3 cups of white flour, salt and caraway seeds with the sour mixture.

18. Mix another cup of white flour and using your hands mix it into the bread mixture. The dough should be coming away from the sides of the bowl at this point.

19. Take the dough and put in onto a flat surface to begin the kneading process.

Kneading the Bread

20. Flour the surface that you will be kneading the dough on.

21. Knead the dough for 10 to 15 minutes.

22. "Kneaded up" dough will be springy and elastic in consistency and should resist your touch slightly.

23. Let the kneaded dough rest for 15 minutes or so. Wash your hands and do some clean up of your area while you are waiting.

24. Shape the bread into 2 loaves. First you will have to punch down the lump of dough in order to get it into 2 loaves.

Baking the Bread

25. Lightly coat two baking sheets with rye flour.


Put the loaves on the baking sheets.


Cover the loaves with a towel so that they can double in size, approximately 45 minutes.


Put the loaves in a 375 degree oven for 35 to 45 minutes.

Tags: mixture stand, water flour, approximately hours, baking sheets, caraway seeds, hours Stage, into loaves