Thursday, May 10, 2012

What Are The Healthful Properties Of Chocolate

What Are the Healthful Properties of Chocolate?

Eaten in moderation, chocolate is a high-fat, high-carbohydrate source of energy. Because it has some vital nutrients, it is a food rather than simply a stimulant like coffee.

Fats and carbohydrates

Chocolate is high in carbohydrates, which is why eating chocolate gives you a dose of energy. Its high fat content makes you feel full, which is also why small servings of good quality, high fat chocolates satisfy the appetite.

Milk chocolate

The milk in milk chocolate provides more protein and calcium than dark chocolate contains naturally. Protein helps in the growth and repair of body tissues, and calcium is necessary for muscle contractions and proper nerve function.

Iron, magnesium, niacin

The iron in chocolate helps transport oxygen to the brain and throughout the body. Magnesium and niacin both aid in the release of energy from the foods we eat.

Mood lifters

Endorphins are substances naturally produced in the brain which lift your mood. Chocolate contains two endorphins, phenylethylamine and seratonin.

Trace vitamins

Chocolate contains many vitamins in small amounts, including vitamins A, E, B1 (thiamin), B2 (riboflavin), and folate (also a B vitamin). The B vitamins help create new red blood cells. Vitamin A helps keep skin and teeth healthy. Vitamin E helps maintain metabolism and the immune system.

More advantages

Chocolate melts in the mouth quickly, so it doesn't contribute to tooth decay as readily as hard candies or taffies. Also, an average sized bar of chocolate contains about one quarter the amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee.

Tags: Chocolate contains, chocolate contains, Healthful Properties, Healthful Properties Chocolate, Properties Chocolate, Vitamin helps