Friday, March 29, 2013

Grow Cashew Nuts

The cashew nut is originally from Brazil but has since been propagated in just about every tropical nation. Cashew trees like sandy soil and hot temperatures. In the right climate, they can grow to as much as 39 feet high. And most interesting of all, the cashew actually grows as the offshoot of a juicy fruit, which is also edible.


Planting the Seeds

1. Clear the planting area of all vegetation. Plow and level the soil.

2. Mark out the spots where you want to plant the cashew trees. The trees usually need about 30 square feet of land to grow comfortably.

3. Choose your nuts from a tree that is known to be healthy and produces good nuts. Dry the nuts for a few days, then soak them for two days to speed up the germination process.

4. Plant three cashew seeds on a single plot. Plant them in a triangle formation, 1 foot apart. They shouldn't be more than 4 inches deep, with their stalks facing upward at a slight angle.

5. Wait a month for the sprouts to germinate and choose the healthiest looking one. Weed out the others.

Care for the Cashew Tree

6. Keep the cashew plants well-irrigated during the first growing year. Before their root system has developed, the plants will need plenty of water to make it through a drought.

7. Clear a circle of at least 3 feet around the base of the plant. This space must be kept free of all types of vegetation. During dry periods, mulch may be used to hold in moisture.

8. Fertilize your trees according to their size. Cashew plants respond well to nutrients. Charts are available to guide how much you should use depending on the age of your crop.

9. Prune your trees free of dead or diseased branches. Otherwise, cashew trees don't need much trimming.

10. Expect to wait 3 to 5 years for your plants to produce. A cashew tree won't yield its maximum capacity until after its seventh year.

Tags: cashew trees, your trees