Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Learn Salsa At Home

Learning the salsa at home can be a very rewarding experience.

The salsa is an energetic partner-dance that originated in Latin America. It is a fast paced and exciting dance, requiring both partners to be skilled with footwork and responsive to each other's moves. If you are interested in learning dance the salsa, but are not comfortable taking dance classes at a studio, many instructional videos make learning salsa at home possible. You can also use these videos to learn the basics before taking a class.


1. Purchase at least one high quality, professionally instructed salsa instructional DVD. According to the experts at the Salsa Crazy website, the video should walk you through the basic steps both with and without a partner. This way you can learn and practice the first steps even if you don't have a partner available.

2. Determine if you should be learning the lead steps and positions or the follower steps and positions. According to the Just Salsa website, a man traditionally leads in salsa dancing, but this is mostly a matter of personal choice. This will determine the hand positions and body contact points you should be learning, as well as some of the basic steps and moves.

3. Practice with a partner. It's possible to learn the most basic steps and positions without a partner, but to advance, you will need to find someone to practice with. If your partner has no salsa experience, be sure to show them the steps and points of contact you have learned first.

4. Use the many free online videos to learn specific steps or moves. Websites such as How 2 Salsa feature many beginner, intermediate, and advanced tutorials. This works especially well if you are struggling with the demonstration or explanation given in your instructional DVD for a particular step.

Tags: basic steps, steps positions, should learning, steps moves, videos learn, without partner