Friday, December 10, 2010

Home Can Potato Soup

Potato soup is enjoyed throughout many cultures, and is eaten year round.

Homemade soups are an enjoyable meal year round. Potato soup provides a hearty main or side dish and can keep for sometime. Providing a neutral base for spices, herb, and other ingredients, potato soup is popular in many cultures -- from China's sweet potato version to the French "vichyssoise" soup, made with leeks and cream. The starch from the potatoes yields a thick broth, and can be combined with several other ingredients, and a variety of spices to create a filling meal. Whether served hot or cold, potato soup is enjoyed year round and is simple to make and store through home canning methods.


1. Choose a potato soup recipe that does does not include any dairy products. The U.S. Department of Agriculture advises against using dairy products due to the increased chance of food spoilage. If needed in the recipe, just omit the dairy and add it when you are ready to serve the soup.

2. Substitute any butter in the recipe for oil, which is safe to can.

3. Make the soup according to the chosen recipe and heat to boiling right before canning.

4. Sanitize the canning jars and lids according to manufacturer's instructions.

5. Pour the soup into the jars with a ladle, leaving 1-inch head space.

6. Place the lids on the jars, tightening them enough so they are barely secure -- do not over tighten.

7. Process the soup in the pressure canner for 75 minutes.

8. Remove the jars and place on a clean cloth on the counter for 24 hours. Check all the jars to see if they have sealed by pressing a finger to the top of the jar. If it does not move, or pop up, it is sealed. Jars that do not seal may be stored in the refrigerator to be eaten within two days.

9. Tighten the lids slightly and store the sealed jars in a dry, cool pantry.

Tags: potato soup, year round, dairy products, many cultures, other ingredients