Friday, June 22, 2012

Display Wine

Display your best wine.

Wine display serves as a serious art form for some and a more utilitarian one for others. Wine must be displayed in a way that reflects the taste of the owner and preserves the taste of the wine. Some wines are ruined when displayed in places that are too humid or bring in too much sunlight. For preservation purposes, you may choose to store your wine underground and display only a few bottles during social gatherings. With a few pointers, you can expertly display your wine in a manner that best suits your needs.


1. Choose a wine rack that works well with the colors of the room. A sturdy dark oak, mahogany or wrought-iron rack looks flattering in most homes.

2. Position the wine bottle so that every label is visible. This will help you catalog your wine so that the bottle you are looking for is easy to recognize. Bottles all facing the same way appear professional even if the rack you display them on is not upscale. You can choose to display only a few bottles from your collection at a time on a rotating basis.

3. Choose a method of display that reflects your level of use. For example, if you use wine frequently in cooking, an easily accessible rack of simple design placed in the kitchen is a suitable way to display the wine. If you are a connoisseur who collects specific varieties, you may choose a more ornate display rack placed in a prominent position to act as a focus piece in a room.

4. Display the wine in an area that will be safe for the wine to age well. This means choosing an area that has a steady temperature. High temperatures can adversely affect the taste of your wine, so avoid windows where sunlight can pour in onto the bottles in the summer. Typically, a cooler or darker area of the home will work best.

Tags: your wine, area that, display only, display only bottles, only bottles, that reflects