Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Cut Yams For Sweet Potato Fries

Cut off the ends of each yam before slicing the middle in half.

Yams, also known as sweet potatoes, are a versatile vegetable that can be cooked in a variety of ways. For example, yams can be roasted or grilled, mashed, sliced and added to stir-fry, grated and used raw in salads, or cut into sweet potato fries. Many people use yams to make sweet potato fries because they taste good and contain a great source of Vitamin A. If you know cut yams into sweet potato fries, you can eat them as an tasty alternative to french fries.


1. Wash the yam thoroughly to rinse of any dirt. Failure to do so could directly transfer bacteria to the yam's inside flesh. Washing the yam will allow you to eat its skin, which provides a variety of nutrients, including fiber.

2. Peel the yam if you don't want to taste its skin. Use a good, sharp swivel peeler to remove the skin.

3. Put a yam on the cutting board and cut off the ends. This will allow you to better slice the yam into sticks.

4. Chop the yam in half lengthwise. Use a sharp knife because it can be difficult to cut a yam, which is typically very hard before it has been cooked. Cutting the yam in half will provide a steady working surface for you to cut the yam into smaller slices. Be careful not to cut off your fingers.

5. Cut the yam lengthwise into slices. Cut the slices as thick as you want. Consider a variation in size to produce both soft and crunchy sweet potato fries.

6. Divide the slices lengthwise two or three more times, depending on the size of the of the original cut. Even though thin matchstick fries are good, thicker slices are better because they offer more flavor.

Tags: potato fries, sweet potato, sweet potato fries, because they, into sweet