Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Why Can'T You Use Ultrapasteurized Cream For Making Butter

Butter is best made with pasteurized cream.

The difference between ultra-pasteurized cream and regular pasteurized cream for butter-making is in how well the two creams whip. Whipping ultra-pasteurized cream into butter will take longer and prove to be a harder task than using pasteurized cream.


Pasteurizing is the process of heating the cream up to 161 degrees F, then removing the cream from the heat and cooling the pan in a bath of cold water. Ultra-pasteurized cream is the same process; however, the milk is heated to 138 degrees F for a fraction of a second before being cooled.

Pasteurized Cream For Butter

Pasteurized cream is used in making butter as it will whip much easier and faster than ultra-pasteurized cream. The end result is also richer flavor, texture and appearance.

Ultra-Pasteurized Cream For Butter

Ultra-pasteurized cream will not whip as nicely as pasteurized cream and will impose more of a hassle for the home cook. Ultra-pasteurized cream also yields a more cooked flavor than pasteurized cream and will look and taste significantly different.

Tags: cream will, pasteurized cream, butter will, Cream Butter, pasteurized cream will, ultra-pasteurized cream, will whip