Monday, March 5, 2012

Make Venison Hamburger

Use a meat grinder to turn venison into hamburger.

The average deer contains only 5 percent fat in its entire body, which is much lower than the average 25 percent body fat of domestic cows. Making venison into hamburger is a easy way to add a healthy red meat to your diet. Venison hamburger is usually ground together with a fattier meat like pork to help the meat stick together, but you can adjust the amount of pork to make your venison hamburger as healthy as you desire.


1. Cut the venison into pieces. As you cut the venison, remove any fat or large blood vessels you find. Cut meat into approximately 1 inch cubes or a size that will fit comfortably into your meat grinder.

2. Freeze cut up venison for a short period of time. Put venison into zip lock bags and place in the freezer for approximately 20 minutes. The venison will be slightly hard and easier to grind without turning into a mushy mess.

3. Feed the venison into the grinder to begin the grinding process. Feed the meat into the machine slowly but at a continuous pace. For hand machines, it is necessary to feed the meat into the machine while cranking with the other hand; a second person is helpful if using this kind of machine.

4. Fill a large bowl with the meat as it exits the grinder in ground up form.

5. Combine pork meat with venison meat by alternating which meat you feed through the grinder. It is not necessary to add pork meat, but a little will allow the venison meat to hold together firmly in a hamburger patty form.

6. Form hamburger patties or logs out of the ground venison and freeze for later use. Using a vacuum seal system will allow you to successfully save the ground venison for up to a year in the freezer.

Tags: venison into, meat into, ground venison, into hamburger, into machine, meat grinder