Friday, September 7, 2012

Know If An Espresso Shot Is Good

Drinking an espresso shot is a moment of intense sensory experience, involving flavor, texture and aroma. But it takes work to get it right. Here's make a good espresso shot.


1. Smell your coffee beans before grinding. They should have a toasty, slightly sweet smell. Bad coffee beans will have a rancid smell. Coffee that is used for espresso should be of a medium to dark roast.

2. Turn on the brew button and observe. There should be about 3 to 5 seconds of infusion. This is where the brew process has started, but the liquid is not yet coming out.

3. Look at the liquid when it starts to pour. It should be dark brown with a reddish tint. The liquid should have a thick, nectar appearance as it pours. The pour should be even from start to finish and fall straight from the spout.

4. Time how long it takes a shot to pour. You know an espresso shot is good when it takes between 25 to 30 seconds to pour 1 to 2 ounces.

5. Test the crema (foam on top) of the espresso. The crema should have a dark brown appearance and strong surface tension. It should hold one sugar cube for 3 to 4 seconds before breaking through the surface.

6. Drink your espresso immediately after it is brewed. The quality of espresso diminishes as it cools.

Tags: espresso shot, should have, coffee beans, dark brown, pour should