Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Keep Weevils Out Of Saved Wheat Seed

Weevils are small, herbivorous beetles common in many parts of the world. They are best known for infesting stored flour, rice and other grains, leaving small webs where they have fed. Preventing weevil infestations is essential, especially in seeds stored for planting. Wheat seeds are particularly vulnerable to weevil infestations, which may render them inviable; however, it is very easy to prevent the occurrence of weevils in wheat seeds with a little preparation and know-how.


1. Inspect the wheat seed prior to storage. Discard any blackened or damaged seeds.

2. Place the wheat seed into a sealable plastic bag. Leave a minimum of 2 inches of empty space at the top of the bag to allow for air circulation. Do not overfill the bag.

3. Place the sealed bag inside a plastic container with a lid. The container should be large enough to hold the bag with plenty of extra room.

4. Sew two small weevil-repelling sachets from muslin. Each should measure 4 inches by 4 inches. Fill the sachet with spearmint leaves and sulfur-tipped wooden matches. The aromatic oil in spearmint and the sulfur tips of matches repel a variety of insects, including weevils, according to Cynthia Van Hazinga, author of "The Old Farmer's Almanac Book of Garden Wisdom."

5. Place the sachets inside the plastic container. Place the lid on the container. Seal the lid of the container with duct tape and leave it sealed until the seeds are ready to be planted.

Tags: container with, inside plastic, inside plastic container, plastic container, weevil infestations