Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Baby Baptism Gift Etiquette

The perfect baptism gift is one that has lasting memories for baby. and parents

The day a baby is baptized is special and should be commemorated with gifts that reflect the solemn occasion appropriately. Baptism gifts range from the traditional to the unusual. Some are practical and functional; others are strictly sentimental in nature. The main thing to remember is to give baby a baptism present that is suitable for the occasion.

Baptism Keepsakes

Baptism keepsakes last a lifetime.

Baptism keepsakes such as Bibles, rosaries and trinket boxes are gifts that are not only appropriate mementos of the day, but functional as well. You could also commemorate the day with an engraved picture frame or plaque; or, you could give baby and parents a piece of religious artwork.

Christening Gowns and Blankets

Baby's baptism is a day to remember forever.

Christening gowns and blankets are traditional gifts for a baby's baptism. When you go that extra step and have them embroidered with the baby's name and baptism date, your gift will have special meaning.

Baptism Gifts for a Baby Girl

Jewelry is a gift that girls only appreciate more as they get older. A gold or platinum bracelet engraved with the little girl's name and the date of her baptism is a lasting keepsake that she will treasure for many years to come. If her ears are pierced, a pair of tiny gold cross stud earrings is equally acceptable. A baptism gift that may give her longer use is a tiny gold cross on a necklace. This particular gift could last her lifetime, because as she grows, the cross can be put on a longer chain.

Baptism Gifts for a Baby Boy

While his options may be limited, your baby boy does not have to be left out when it comes to gifts of jewelry to commemorate his baptism. A tiny gold cross engraved with his name and the date of his baptism mounted on a tie tack or stud is a keepsake that he can wear throughout his lifetime. Another option would be to give him a tie tack or stud with his birthstone mounted on a gold disc or square. These presents should also be engraved with his name and baptism date as a reminder of the day his parents and godparents dedicated him to the Lord.

Living Baptism Gifts

A unique way to commemorate baby's baptism is to plant a tree or a flowering plant such as a rose or azalea bush. This can be done with a bit of ceremonious fanfare, honoring the occasion with a living tribute. As the child grows, she will be reminded of how God nurtures and watches over her just as He does the plant.

Tags: baby, baptism, gift, engraved with, gift that, gold cross, tiny gold, tiny gold cross, baby baptism, baby parents, baptism date, baptism gift that, Baptism Gifts