Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lose Weight Using Pine Nut Oil

Pine nuts

The pine nut has long been overlooked and ignored, but its health benefits are now widely publicized. It is rich with anti-oxidants, helps prevent heart disease, and is packed with protein. One of the most popular benefits of the pine nut is using the pine nut oil to curb appetite. Pine nut oil increases appetite suppressing hormones that interfere with the leptin center of the brain that controls appetite. In fact, pine nut oil has been used for centuries by the Siberian culture to suppress appetite in times of low food supply, such as a hard winter. Pine nut oil is not a stimulant, so is safe for most to add to their diet. Try one of these ways of using pine nut oil and be on your way to weight loss.


1. Sprinkle pine nuts on top of your salad or in your soups. Pine nuts are natural sources of pine nut oil and add extra fiber and protein to your dietary intake. You can also grab a handful of pine nuts for a snack to curb your appetite.

2. Grind pine nuts in food processor to release more oil. Ground pine nuts can be used as spreads on crackers or in pesto sauces. Grinding the nuts gives an extra release of the oil so it is more readily absorbed.

3. Drizzle pine nut oil on your salads or in soup. Pine nut oil adds an extra, slightly sweet flavor and tastes great on salads or drizzled in soups to give you a full feeling for hours.

4. Take 1 tsp. of pine nut oil before each meal. Not only will this make you feel fuller while eating, the pine nut oil interferes with your food craving triggers so you eat less for hours after consuming it. Pine nut oil also helps control stomach acid.

5. Take pine nut oil capsules as part of your dietary supplement routine. When you take your vitamins every morning, add a pine nut oil capsule to help curb your appetite and boost your anti-oxidants. Pine nut oil capsules are available in most health food stores and pharmacies. They are also available online from reputable, secure websites.

Tips Warnings

Do not use pine nuts or pine nut oil if you are allergic to any nuts.

Tags: weight, using, pine, pine nuts, curb your, curb your appetite, nuts pine, Pine nuts, pine your, release more