Monday, September 14, 2009

Make Turkey Burgers

Whether you're dieting, counting carbs, eating more protein, or just looking for a quick and easy meal, try a turkey burger. Turkey burgers are a prefered option for almost any diet because they are low in fat and calories, high in protein, very easy to prepare, and they're quite delicious.


1. Remove the lean ground turkey meat from its packaging. With your hands, mold the turkey meat into 2.5 oz. patties.

2. Place a layer of sliced pepperoncinis on top of a 2.5 oz. patty. Then place a second patty on top, pinching the edges together, sealing the pepperoncinis inside. You now have a 5 oz. patty. Repeat with the remaining turkey patties.

3. Place the 5 oz. patties inside a pre-heated George Foreman grill. (Note: Don't forget to place the plastic tray underneath the George Foreman grill to catch the run off from the cooking turkey meat.)

4. Cook inside the George Foreman for about 3 minutes. Flip the burger and cook for another 3 minutes.

5. Remove from the George Foreman and serve. Recommended albeit optional accouterments include: muenster cheese; stone ground mustard; ketchup; whole wheat hamburger bun; lettuce; cucumber slices; kosher dill pickels.

Tags: George Foreman, turkey meat, Foreman grill, George Foreman grill, patties Place