Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Use Luhr Jensen Smokers With Beef Jerky

Luhr Jensen is a brand of electric smoker.

Luhr Jensen is a brand that produces electric smokers. Its machines have made it easy for those living in suburbia to perform the ancient method of curing meats by smoking them. Traditionally, this would have been done by digging a hole, burying the meat underground and lighting a fire; now you need to only plug the Luhr Jensen in to a power socket. To make jerky in your Luhr Jensen, cut lean meat into thin strips and marinate it for a couple of hours in jerky marinade.


1. Put wood chips in the smoker box at the bottom of your Luhr Jensen electric smoker. It is best to use a hard wood, such as mesquite, hickory or alder.

2. Fill the water pan to just below the brim.

3. Lay your marinated jerk strips out on the Luhr Jensen's shelves. Make sure the jerky strips are evenly spaced and do not overlap.

4. Plug your Luhr Jensen smoker into the plug socket and turn it on.

5. Set the thermostat to 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

6. Leave the jerky to smoke for 10 hours. Check the water pan and smoker box every couple of hours to check if either needs refilling.

Tags: Luhr Jensen, your Luhr, your Luhr Jensen, couple hours, electric smoker, Jensen brand, Luhr Jensen brand