Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Best Kinds Of Tomatoes To Make Tomato Sauce

Roma tomatoes are slightly sweet and make delicious pasta and pizza sauces.

Whether you want to make homemade pasta sauce for your spaghetti or lasagna dish, or need a recipe for fresh salsa for a Mexican meal, choose the most delicious and best quality of tomatoes. Certain tomatoes are better suited for saucing, due to their low pulp content, thick outer skin, and pronounced flavor.

Viva Italia

The Viva Italia tomato is one of the best for salsa, according to the University of Illinois. This is because of the tomatoes firmness, which makes for a salsa without a watery consistency, a quality most slicing tomatoes lack. The tomatoes add savory flavor to salsas and pasta sauce, and are also an ideal main ingredient for ketchup, according to the Veggie Gardener website.

Amish Paste

The Amish Paste is a late-blooming tomato that works well in both salsas and tomato sauces, due to its low acid content. The tomatoes require full sun during growth, and weigh about 7 oz. at maturity. Amish Paste tomatoes have a a hearty taste and firm outer skin that cooks down nicely for sauces and lends a bit of sweetness to food.

San Marzano

San Marzano tomatoes are often used for pasta sauces, and are even hailed as the best sauce tomato because of their minimal seeds, low acidic content and bright, bold flavor, according to the Eat Drink Better website. The tomatoes are oblong, and a medium- to deep-red at maturity. To prepare the tomatoes for saucing, it's best to remove the skins by boiling the fruits until the skin becomes supple and easy to peel. Adding garlic, a little salt, and fresh herbs like parsley and oregano make a quick and tasty pasta topper.


The deep orange or bright red hue of Roma tomatoes makes them picturesque in a small vegetable garden. These tomatoes don't have many seeds, either, and the fruit has a meaty texture that makes a robust sauce for pastas. These tomatoes are of the plum variety, and taste both sweet and savory.

Super Italian Paste

If you want to make tomato paste, or can tomatoes often, the Super Italian paste variety works very well. These are heirloom tomatoes, and grow to be about 6 inches long. The fruits yield a thick sauce, as they are not very juicy, and have very little seeds. Super Italian Paste tomatoes are long and banana pepper-shaped, and take about 70 days to mature.

Tags: Amish Paste, Super Italian, Italian Paste, outer skin, pasta sauce