Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Types Of Habanero Peppers

Habanero peppers are the world's hotest peppers.

Habanero peppers are officially the hottest pepper in the world. Hot peppers are rated according to the Scoville scale and according to Scoville, habaneros range from 100,000 to more than 1 million Scoville units. Unripe habanero peppers are green and once ripened, their colors can vary and turn to orange, red, white, brown or pink. The name of this hot pepper is thought to have come from Havana where these peppers originated.

Scotch Bonnet Pepper

The Scotch bonnet pepper has a thin, waxy flesh, like most habanero peppers, but it is of a different variety because it has a different type of pod. To the naked eye, the Scotch bonnet is almost indistinguishable except for its smaller size The heat level of the Scotch bonnet is on the medium side as far as habanero peppers are concerned. It's most popular in the Caribbean.

Red Savina

Another popular cultivar of the habanerro pepper is the red savina. It was once rated as the "world's hottest spice" in the "Guinness Book of Records" but has since been defeated by the buth naga jolika pepper. Red savina peppers score up to 577,000 units on the Scoville scale. This type of pepper is bred to produce hotter, heavier, and larger fruit than typical habaneros.

Buth Naga Jolokia Pepper

When ripe, these peppers measure about 2.4 inches to 3.3 inches and are orange or red in color. This type of habanero is grown in northeastern parts of India and in Assam state. The buth naga jolokia was rated as the hottest pepper in the world in 2009, rating up to1,041,427 Scoville units. The buth naga jolokia pepper is typically known as the ghost chili or ghost pepper in United States.

Datil Peppers

Datil peppers are slightly less hot than orange habaneros and have sweeter, fruitier flavors. They range in heat intensity between 100,000 and 300,000 Scoville Units. Although datil peppers are cultivated throughout the world, the majority are grown in St. Augustine, Florida, where there is an annual Datil Pepper Festival.

Tags: habanero peppers, Scotch bonnet, according Scoville, buth naga, hottest pepper, hottest pepper world, naga jolokia