Thursday, May 21, 2009

Grate Nutmeg

Grate Nutmeg

Boosting the aroma and flavor of an entr e with freshly grated nutmeg makes a dish zing with full-bodied spice. Nutmeg is a seed derived from evergreen trees, native to Indonesia's Spice Islands. Nutmeg has a hard consistency and produces a dry spice when grated. Recipes commonly combine the spice with cinnamon and clove for a variety of holiday treats including cookies, eggnog and butternut squash. You don't have to wait until the holiday season to use nutmeg; you can season meats, vegetables and dessert with it any day for a warm and nutty tang.


1. Hold the nutmeg between your thumb and pointer finger over a bowl. Grip the cheese grater in your opposite hand.

2. Press the nutmeg against the cheese greater and rub it up and down against the small holes.

3. Scrape nutmeg bits off the grater and into the bowl. Add the fresh nutmeg to your dish or store it as a dried spice in an airtight container away from moisture and direct heat.

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