Friday, May 22, 2009

Make Dandelion Chains

Is there anything more evocative of summer than a dandelion chain? Dandelion chains, like summer itself, are beautiful, quick to wilt and childlike. Make a few for yourself or teach a child.


1. Pick dandelions with long, thick stems, one at a time.

2. Attach the dandelions to one another by tying the stem in a knot around the previous dandelion stem close to the flower. Double knots work best.

3. Tie the two ends of the chain together when you have reached the desired length.

4. Or make a short slit halfway down the stem of one dandelion.

5. Insert the stem end of a second dandelion into the slit and push it down through the first dandelion as far as it will go.

6. Make a slit halfway down the second dandelion and insert a third dandelion.

7. Continue until your chain is a little longer than you want it to be. Tie the last stem to the first dandelion near the flower.

8. Make necklaces, crowns and bracelets.

9. Expect the flowers to wilt quickly.

Tags: first dandelion, halfway down, second dandelion, slit halfway, slit halfway down