Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Make A Slaw Dog

Make a Slaw Dog

A slaw dog is a hot dog topped with slaw. Slaw dogs are an ideal quick meal that can be served for lunch and dinner, or even as a hefty snack. Slaw dogs are simple to make, and can also be enjoyable for the children to help prepare. With about 15 minutes to spare, you can indulge in a simple--yet tasty--slaw dog.


The Dogs

1. Fill the pot halfway with water. Boil the water on medium-high heat. Too much water will cause the hot dogs to take longer to boil. It may also cause the water to bubble or spill over.

2. Add the hot dogs to the boiling water. All-beef hot dogs are the ideal choice for this recipe, but any type of hot dog--such as reduced fat, pork or turkey--can serve as a substitute. Let the hot dogs cook for about 7 minutes or until they are swollen. If you are unsure how the hot dogs will look when swollen, let them cook until they burst open.

3. Remove the hot dogs from the water. Put one hot dog into each white-bread hot dog bun--or use wheat buns instead. Place the hot dogs on the large serving plate.


4. Place the shredder inside the medium mixing bowl. Hold the metal shredder in one hand, and hold the 1/2 cabbage in the other.

5. Press the cabbage against the metal shredder, and move the hand containing the cabbage in an up and down motion, letting the cabbage pieces fall into the bowl. Your cabbage should be thinly shredded--about the length and width of half of a toothpick.

6. Pour the mayonnaise, mustard and pickle juice into the mixing bowl and mix with the wooden spoon. Your slaw should not be too dry or too creamy. If it is too dry, add more pickle juice and mayonnaise to balance it out. If it is too wet, add more cabbage.

7. Place about 1/4 cup of slaw onto each hot dog and serve.

Tags: about minutes, dogs ideal, Make Slaw, metal shredder, mixing bowl