Friday, November 6, 2009

Uses For Electric Fondue Makers

Strawberries dipped in chocolate fondue are a delicious dessert treat.

Electric fondue makers are a novel way to host an informal dinner party. The fondue pots are often wedding or housewarming gifts. Some people forget to ever take them out of the box or don't really understand what items are available to cook in them. You can use fondue pots for appetizers, the main course, dessert or all three if you have multiple pots. Often, when using ingredients that need to reach a high heat, such as oil or stock, it is necessary to heat the ingredients on the stove, and then pour it into the electric fondue pot to maintain the correct cooking temperature.

Cheese and Bread

Dipping hearty, crusty pieces of bread into a cheese sauce in your fondue pot is one of the original ways to use this handy appliance. Just purchase a cheese or combination of cheese that melts well, and heat it in the fondue pot along with an added liquid, such as wine or cream. Cut up loaves of French, sourdough or other bread into cubes. Give each guest a skewer, and let them dip to their heart's content. This is an ideal appetizer for a party and is trouble free while you prepare other portions of the meal in the kitchen.


Chocolate fondue is a good choice to indulge in a delicious after dinner treat or to host a dessert party. Just add your favorite chocolate mixed with a liquid, such as milk, cream or other liquor. Offer your guests marshmallows, fruits, brownies or dense cakes, such as pound cake, to dip into the warm fondue. You can combine other ingredients into the chocolate as well, such as nuts, caramel or even liqueurs.

Cooking Meats

Fondue pots make good deep fryers for meat and seafood. You can host a fondue party and give each guest a skewer. Fill the fondue pot with a vegetable or meat stock, and turn the heat on high. Another idea is to fill it with an oil and spices or flavorings, such as soy sauce, Worcestershire or garlic. Tempura parties are an inexpensive way to entertain your guests. Simply mix up the breading or batter for the tempura, and have a variety of meats, seafoods and vegetables ready for your guests to skewer and deep fry.

Tags: your guests, bread into, each guest, each guest skewer, fondue pots, guest skewer