Monday, November 2, 2009

Bottle Roasted Red Peppers

Choose a fancy bottle for refrigerator storage or a canning jar for shelf storage.

Roasted red peppers have a unique flavor that reminds you of fresh summer fare. They can be used as appetizers and side dishes or to enhance sandwiches and salads. Bottling the peppers after roasting them is easy and will allow you to enjoy a little taste of summer throughout the entire year. A jar of home-bottled roasted red peppers can also make a great gift for friends, neighbors, teachers or hostesses.



1. Putting just-roasted peppers in a covered, non-reactive bowl loosens the skins for easier removal.

Place your blistered, blackened, roasted peppers in a bowl and wait for them to cool sufficiently. You will use about 1 lb. of peppers per pint.

2. You may need to occasionally rinse the peppers off with water.

Hold each pepper over the sink, a plate or bowl and gently peel off the blackened skin.

3. Cut the pepper in half.

4. Remove and discard the seed pods, stems and every seed until the pepper is clean.


5. Add Italian spices like oregano, basil and thyme if you wish.

In a saucepan, for each pound of peppers, combine 1/4 cup of lemon juice, 1/2 cup of vinegar, 1/4 cup of olive oil, one quartered clove of garlic, and 1/4 to 1/3 tsp. of salt.

6. Place the saucepan on the stove burner.

7. Turn on the burner underneath the saucepan.

8. Fill a large pot halfway up with water.

9. Turn a second burner on and place the pot of water on it.

10. Wait for the vinegar mixture and the water to boil.

11. Dip canning jars and lids in the pot of boiling water.

12. Fill the jars with the peppers, allowing for even distribution.

13. Include garlic from the vinegar mixture in each bottle.

Pour the boiling vinegar mixture over the peppers. Cover the peppers completely. Leave at least 1/2 inch of space at the top of each jar.

14. Wipe the rim of each bottle with a clean, damp paper towel.

15. Place each lid and ring on. Do not tighten rings too much. The jars can now be stored in the refrigerator for several weeks.


16. A 12-quart pot works well.

Put a steaming rack at the bottom of a large pot, filled halfway with water.

17.Turn the burner on under the large pot.

18. Bring the water to a boil.

19. Wear thick rubber gloves or use tongs to make this process easier and safer.

Place the filled jars -- from Section 2 -- on the rack inside the pot of boiling water. Make sure the water is at least an inch over the jars.

20. Turn the stove top off after the 15 minutes of boiling is over.

Boil the jars for 15 minutes and leave the bottles in the pot to cool for a few additional minutes.

21. Take the bottles out and let them cool completely. You will hear the jars make a popping noise as the lids seal.

Tags: vinegar mixture, with water, boiling water, each bottle, halfway with, halfway with water