Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Regulate Heat On A Propane Turkey Fryer

Deep-fried turkey has rapidly become a popular, festive family main course. The technique used to deep fry turkey consists mostly of preparation, patience and caution. To achieve the perfect golden skin and juicy meat of a deep-fried turkey, it is important to properly regulate the heat of the turkey fryer. Maintaining the heat is paramount to the success of the final product as well as to the safety of the chef, friends and family. Appropriately regulating the heat of a turkey fryer requires attention to ensure everyone is safe from oil burns and flare-up incidents.


1. Assemble the propane turkey fryer according to manufacturer's instructions. Place the fryer on a level surface in an area away from any flammable material for a 15-foot radius. Attach the propane tank in the appropriate location, according to manufacturer's directions.

2. Fill the fryer with oil, only to the recommended level.

3. Attach the deep fryer thermometer to the side of the pot.

4. Turn the propane turkey fryer on and set a timer for 20 minutes.

5. Check the thermometer reading. The oil should read between 325 degrees and 350 degrees. If the oil is too hot, turn down the propane. If the oil is too cool, then turn the propane up. Set the timer for 10 minutes.

6. Check the temperature of the oil when the waiting period is up. Safely and slowly lower turkey into the deep fryer, according to the propane turkey fryer's directions. Check the temperature of the oil again and allow 15 minutes for the fryer to come back up to the desired temperature.

Tags: propane turkey fryer, turkey fryer, according manufacturer, Check temperature, deep fryer