Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Benefits Of Sugar Snap Peas

Sugar snap peas are low in calories and high in nutrients.

Sugar snap peas were developed in the 1970s and are a cross between a garden pea and snow pea. Many people confuse sugar snap peas with snow peas, but the former are rounded while the latter are flat. Sugar snaps are the sweetest and most tender of all peas and can be purchased in the produce section of most grocery stores. They should be bright green, firm and plump.

Fiber Content

Sugar snap peas are a good source of dietary fiber. Consuming a large quantity of fiber helps keep your digestive system functioning properly. Sugar snap peas also have a high soluble fiber content, which means they are digested slowly and can help you maintain healthy blood glucose levels. This is especially important for diabetes patients.

Calorie Content

Sugar snap peas are low in calories and make a great midday snack. One cup of peas contains 67 calories, and because they are rich in fiber, they will make you feel more full longer. Dieticians have shown that those who eat more small meals a day have higher metabolisms and burn more calories. Consequently, eating 1 cup of sugar snap peas as a mid-afternoon snack is a good way to keep your metabolism high and ward off hunger.

Heart Health

Sugar snap peas are good for heart health because they are fat-free. They also contain a large amount of folate, which lowers amino acid levels in the body. High levels of amino acids may cause heart attacks and heart disease. Because the sugar snap pea is also rich in fiber it helps lower cholesterol. Those with high cholesterol levels have a higher risk of having a heart attack.

Immune System Health

One cup of sugar snap peas contains as much vitamin C as a medium-sized orange. Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system and helps prevent colds and flu. Sugar snap peas also contain a large amount of carotenoids, which have been linked to the prevention of cancer. This carotenoid and vitamin C combination creates a powerful antioxidant that will help you stay healthy during flu season. Carotenoids also help build healthier eyes and can reduce the risk of developing cataracts.

Bone Health

Sugar snap peas are also a good source of iron and vitamin K. This is especially important for women who are trying to build strong bones. The iron is also useful for anemic women who need to introduce more iron into their bloodstream to create healthy red blood cells.

Tags: snap peas, Sugar snap peas, snap peas, Sugar snap, peas also, snap peas also