Thursday, April 30, 2009

Make A Dubble Bubble Necklace

Use colorful ribbon to make Dubble Bubble necklaces.

Dubble Bubble is classic bubble gum manufactured by Tootsie Roll Industries. Dubble Bubble is available in a traditional bubble gum flavor, along with assorted mint and fruit flavors. The bubble gum is packaged in bright yellow wrappers that kids can tie together to form candy necklaces. Bubble gum necklaces make whimsical children's gifts as well as charming party favors. If you're hosting a birthday party for your child, have guests make their own gum necklaces as take-home gifts.


1. Gather as many wrapped Dubble Bubble gum pieces as you'll need to make the child's necklace. Lay the pieces out in a circle on a table to determine the length. Make sure the finished product will be long enough to easily slip over the child's head.

2. Cut several 4-inch pieces of thin satin ribbon; you can cut more pieces as needed while working on the necklace project.

3. Place two pieces of gum side-by-side, so that their wrapped ends overlap. Tie the ends together by knotting one of the pieces of ribbon around them to create a secure hold.

4. Continue tying the ends of the wrapped gum pieces together with the ribbons, until the necklace reaches the desired length. Finish the craft by tying the first and last pieces of gum together to form a loop.

Tags: Dubble Bubble, Bubble necklaces, pieces together, together form