Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Shuck Soft Shelled Clams

Soft shelled clams are named for their thin, chalky, calcium-based shells. They're also called long neck clams or steamers. They can't close their shells tightly because of their necks which makes them easy to open. Here's how you do it.


1. After steaming the clams, drain the liquid into a separate bowl and put the clams in a large bowl (or use one bowl per person). Add the onions to the serving bowl as these are delicious. Put out one bowl of the broth from cooking for each person.

2. Pick up one of the clams and open it with your thumbs (one on each side of the shell at the opening). Pull it open wide and lift out the clam by the neck.

3. Shuck the clam by removing the ugly black glove-like membrane (covering) from the clam's neck. If you hold the clam with one hand and pull the membrane with the other it will slide right off. This is really simple to do--after two or three you'll have the hang of it.

4. Dip the clam into the broth a couple of times, holding it by the neck. This cleans any sand that may still be in the clam. Dip it into the butter and it's ready to eat. Put the whole thing in your mouth and bon appetit!

Tags: clam into, clam neck