Friday, October 22, 2010

Grow Grapes For Wine

To produce good wine, you must first produce high quality grapes. Although growing wine grapes can be a challenge, the results are often worth the effort. If you are interested in creating your own vineyard, just follow these steps to grow grapes for wine.


1. Determine if you live in an appropriate climate. Grapes grow best in areas with warm, dry summers and mild winters. Grapevines will die if winters are too cold for a long period of time, yet they do need a period of winter dormancy. Very humid conditions may cause diseases. The growing season must be long enough for grapes to mature adequately.

2. Choose a spot to plant your grapevines. The plants will thrive on ground that slopes to the south or southwest, as they will receive more sunlight. Avoid planting near trees--you don't want your plants to be shaded from the sun. The soil should allow for good drainage so the roots aren't continually saturated in water.

3. Decide which types of grapes you want to use. Red and white wines are usually produced by different types of grapes. Some wines are made from a blend of different grapes.

4. Provide support for your grapevines. A training or trellising system of the appropriate height and strength will keep the fruit up off the ground.

5. Turn the grapes into wine. You can either sell your grapes to a local winery or produce the wine yourself. Whichever method you choose, be prepared with the necessary equipment.

6. Prune your plants during the winter months. Proper pruning encourages the growth of higher-quality grapes.

Tags: types grapes, your grapevines, your plants