Thursday, February 2, 2012

Make A Silicon Pot Holder

Silicone pot holders protect you from hot pots and pans.

Smaller and lighter than conventional pot holders, silicone pot holders are growing increasingly more popular. Typically only the size of a 4-by-4-inch square, silicone pot-holders can be used and set aside much more easier than bulky conventional pot holders. The simplicity of silicone pot holders' design also makes them extremely easy to make for yourself. With the right materials, you can make silicone pot holders in a matter of minutes.


1. Purchase silicone sheets from a local hardware store or an online vendor (see Resources). Sheets can be any length and width but should be exactly 1/2 inch thick.

2. Use a yardstick to measure out two 4-by-4-inch squares on your silicone sheets. Use a washable marker to draw out the perimeter of the 4-by-4 inch squares.

3. Align your yard stick with one side of one of your squares. Place a razor next to the yardstick. Using the yardstick to maintain a straight line, cut the side of the square. Repeat this process for the other sides of the square. Then move on the the other square and cut out its sides as well. You should have two 4-by-4 inch squares that have been completely cut away from the rest of the silicone sheet.

4. Punch a hole in one of the corners of each square. Most silicone pot holders have a hole in the corner so that they can be kept on one metal ring when not in use.

5. Sand one side of each of the squares with 30-grit sand paper so that your pot holders will have a gripping surface.

Tags: 4-by-4 inch, 4-by-4 inch squares, conventional holders, inch squares, silicone holders, silicone holders, silicone sheets