Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Make Twice Baked Cheddar Potatoes

Make Twice Baked Cheddar Potatoes

Twice baked potatoes are versatile, filling offerings that can be varied by individual taste. You might add bacon and chive, sour cream or any other topping you like. Twice baked cheddar potatoes are even creamier that the regular kind.


1. Scrub the potatoes and poke holes in them with a fork. Rub each potato with a teaspoon of butter. Place them on a baking sheet and bake at 375 degrees for one hour or until tender. Remove them from the oven and let cool. Cut a thin slice in the tops and remove the pulp, leaving only a thin line to hold the skin together.

2. Cook the bacon over medium heat until crisp. Remove it from the skillet and drain the excess grease placing it on paper towels. Reserve one tablespoon of the bacon drippings. In another skillet, add the bacon drippings and the onions. Sauté the onions until tender and sit aside.

3. Put the potato pulp in a bowl and mix in the remaining butter, milk, egg, salt and pepper. Add the cheese, bacon and onions. Spoon this mixture into the potato shells.

4. Place the potatoes back in the oven at 375 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes or until fully heated.

Tags: bacon drippings, Baked Cheddar, Baked Cheddar Potatoes, Make Twice, Make Twice Baked, Twice Baked