Monday, January 21, 2013

Win A Seed Spitting Contest

Seed spitting contests take place, usually during the summer, in locales all over the world. There is even a world-record seed spitter in the "Guinness Book of World Records." Here are some tips on maximizing your spitting distance.


1. Practice with sunflower seeds. John Emslie, a past winner of the Shawnee County Fair watermelon seed spitting contest in Topeka, Kansas, said his sunflower eating habit helped him become a seed-spitting champion.

2. To win a timed speed spitting contest, it is important to spit watermelon seeds, and spit fast. One winner won the contest after spitting 35 seeds into a paper cup in just five minutes. Work on speed and accuracy. And practice carrying as many seeds in your mouth as possible so you don't waste time reloading.

3. Karen Easterling, a past winner of the women's crown in the World Watermelon Seed Spitting Contest, said it is important that a small tip of the seed should point out as it exits your mouth. Think of it as the tip of a dart you're throwing at a board.

4. Take a big breath before expelling the seed.

5. Lean back before you spit. Shoot forward as you spit and aim slightly up to create an arc.

6. Have a bit of watermelon in your mouth for moisture.

7. Start with your target nearby and begin with a wide-brimmed cup or even an ashtray. Once you're hitting the receptacle with nearly every shot, substitute a container with a narrower opening until you reach the size of a paper coffee cup. Then move the cup further away from you in 3- to 6-inch increments, placing it further after hitting most of your shots in a series.

Tags: your mouth, past winner, Seed Spitting Contest, spitting contest