Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Make Aioli With A Mortar And Pestle

Make Aioli With a Mortar and Pestle

If you love garlic, then you must try aioli. Aioli is a French garlic sauce that is similar to a mayonnaise. It is often served with bouillabaisse (southern French seafood stew) or as a part of the grand aioli, a platter of cooked seafood, meats and vegetables. But aioli need not be limited to French cuisine as its uses are infinite.

This garlicky sauce is traditionally made using a mortar and pestle. Avoid the temptation of using a food processor--the sauce can end up with an unpleasant, rubbery texture.


1. Peel the garlic cloves and remove the green germ (if any). Set aside.

2. Warm the mortar by running hot water over it until it feels warm to the touch. Dry the mortar with a paper towel.

3. Place the peeled garlic and salt in the mortar. Using the pestle, smash the garlic with the salt until it forms a smooth paste.

4. Use a pressing motion with the pestle, and incorporate the egg yolk into the garlic paste. Continue mixing until the mixture has formed a thick and smooth paste.

5. Add the oil in a thin and gradual stream. Continue to stir the mixture with the pestle while adding the oil.

6. Taste the aioli, and add more salt if needed.

Tags: Aioli With, Aioli With Mortar, Make Aioli, Make Aioli With, smooth paste, With Mortar, With Mortar Pestle