Friday, February 15, 2013

Make Whole Wheat Bread In A Bread Machine

Whole wheat bread recipes for the bread machine are almost impossible to find. No matter where you look, the recipes for wheat bread always include some white flour. While it can be tricky to make 100 percent whole wheat bread without any white flour, it is by no means impossible. The secret to making whole wheat bread that is light, fluffy and delicious is to use vital wheat gluten, which can be found at most health stores.


1. Measure 3/4 cup water into the bread pan. Crack two eggs into the pan and add 2 tbsp. of extra virgin olive oil. Add 1 tsp. of salt.

2. Measure 2 cups of whole wheat flour into the pan. Use a high grade whole wheat flour such as King Arthur or Hodgson Mills. Then place 2 tbsp. of vital wheat gluten into your 1-cup measure. Fill the rest of the cup with whole wheat flour. Place the mixture in the pan.

3. Add 2 tsp. of sugar around the sides of the pan. Use sucanat or evaporated whole cane sugar for better nutrition. Use your teaspoon to make a small well in the top of the flour. Add 2 tsp. of active dry yeast.

4. Use the whole wheat cycle on your bread machine. If possible, use the rapid cycle. Typically, the rapid cycle eliminates the third rising, which tends to fare badly when using only whole wheat flour. If your bread machine allows it, delay the onset of the kneading by 30 minutes.

5. Turn the whole wheat bread out onto a cutting board after cooking is complete. Allow the bread to cool completely. Place it in a plastic bag, and leave it in the refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours.

6. Remove the bread from the refrigerator, and place it on a slicing guide. Now that the bread has time to rest and cool, the slices should be smooth and even. If they crumble, place the loaf back in the refrigerator until it's more solid.

7. Return the whole wheat bread slices to the plastic bag. Store in the refrigerator.

Tags: wheat bread, wheat flour, whole wheat, whole wheat flour, whole wheat, bread machine