Monday, February 18, 2013

Beauty Tips For Horseradish And Honey

Honey is an excellent moisturizer and cleanser for the skin.

While there are a vast number of of cosmetics and beauty treatments on the market, popular treatments still include using items found in nature. Two of those items are horseradish and honey. Not only is using natural items environmentally friendly, but it's also budget-friendly. People who want to avoid chemicals should stick to food items like these.


Horseradish is good for preventing hair loss. It improves circulation to the scalp and helps regenerate the hair roots. You can choose to create a poultice and rub it into your scalp. Another way to utilize it to regrow hair is in lotion form.


A mixture using horseradish root powder, along with oatmeal powder and sour cream, can be used to fade freckles. For it to be effective, use the mixture at least twice per week. Mix the ingredients together and apply to the skin, massaging it using your fingers. Let it sit on your face like a facial mask before washing it off with warm water.

Facial Hair

To naturally lighten your facial hair, use honey and lemon on your skin. The lemon lightens the hair while the honey protects the skin during the bleaching process. Use one tsp. of both lemon juice and honey for the mixture. Smooth it onto the skin in the areas that have the excess hair. Leave the mixture on the hair for about 10 minutes, then wash it off with a soft washcloth and warm water.


A mixture of honey and warm water is a deep cleanser for the skin. It not only cleanses the skin, but also moisturizes it. To make the cleanser, dissolve two tbsp. of honey into one or two pints of warm water. Wash the face with it and rinse off with warm water.

Tags: warm water, cleanser skin, with warm, with warm water