Thursday, April 18, 2013

Make Popcorn Oil

Popcorn is a classic American snack food that has been around since the 19th century. It can be cooked in anything from melted butter to olive oil. One of the most common types of oil to use is coconut oil. Not only does it provide a sweet flavor, it also has many health benefits. Coconut oil is naturally good for your heart, it's low in fat, and it helps you recover from illness, among other benefits. Coconut oil is readily available in most grocery stores, but they often have added ingredients that aren't necessarily healthy. Rather than buying coconut oil for your popcorn, make your own from a fresh coconut.


1. Crack open a coconut with a cleaver. Be cautious when cracking open a coconut to avoid injury. If possible, use a pre-cracked coconut that requires less effort to open.

2. Pour the coconut water into a bowl. Conserve as much water as you can. The more liquid you save from the coconut, the more flavor the oil will have, which in turn makes for a more sweet and full-flavored popcorn.

3. Remove as much coconut meat as you can with a grater. If necessary, pry hard to get coconut chunks out with a sturdy butter knife. Make the pieces as small as possible to ensure you produce the maximum amount of juice.

4. Lay a large sheet of cheesecloth out on a flat surface. Put the coconut meat in the center of the cheesecloth. Roll the cheesecloth up like a sleeping bag and twist the ends to keep the coconut from falling out of the sides.

5. Hold the cheesecloth over the bowl with the water and wring the liquid out of the coconut. Dip the cheesecloth in the coconut juice and wring it out again. The more juice that you wring out of the coconut, the more flavor the oil will have, which in turn adds more flavor to the popcorn.

6. Pour all of the liquid into a large glass jar and let it sit for 15 to 20 hours. The liquid will separate and begin to ferment.

7. Add the liquid to a pot and set it on the stove on low heat. As the liquid warms up, the water will evaporate and leave the oil behind. Stir the liquid every five to 10 minutes to prevent it from burning.

8. Leave the pot on the stove until all of the liquid evaporates. When finished, you will be left with a thick, pale yellow oil. You will notice that the oil is thicker than most other types of oil. Since it is so thick, it sticks to and coats the popcorn kernels much better, thus making a superior popcorn.

Tags: more flavor, benefits Coconut, coconut meat, coconut more, coconut more flavor, flavor will, flavor will have