Thursday, April 11, 2013

Remove Jam And Jelly Stains From A Carpet

Peanut butter with jam or jelly is one of America's favorite lunches; however, a slight misjudgment of jelly application can quickly result in unsightly carpet stains. Don't worry, you don't have to write off your favorite snack, because with a few simple tips you can remove those jam and jelly stains from your beautiful carpet.


1. Use a smooth-edge butter knife to carefully pick up any globs of jelly or jam from your carpet. Be gentle, taking care not to work the sweet and sticky substance deeper into the carpet fibers.

2. Place some lukewarm water and vinegar in a spray bottle and soak the stain. As a general rule, mix one part vinegar to four parts water. Apple cider vinegar works best; however, it can leave a light yellow stain on light colored carpets. If you have gray, white or tan carpet, it is best to use white vinegar.

3. Bunch up a clean cotton cloth and gently dab it into the jam or jelly stain to pick up the excess liquid. Spray the stain again and repeat with a clean part of the cloth. This should get up the majority of the stain.

4. Add a spoonful of liquid dishwashing detergent to a 16-oz. bottle of water and then use the solution to soak a new, clean cloth. Place the cloth over the jam or jelly stain and then massage the top of the cloth with the back of a spoon. Repeat this process until you get as much of the stain out of the carpet as possible.

5. Remove any remaining stain as your carpet dries. Place another clean, dry cloth over the damp carpet and then cover with a heavy phone book. Allow the cloth and book to sit over the stain until the carpet is completely dry. The liquid should soak up into the cloth, drawing out the stain as the carpet slowly dries.

Tags: clean cloth, cloth over, from your, jelly stain, stain carpet, your carpet