Monday, April 1, 2013

Pickle Banana Peppers In Salt Brine

Pickling banana peppers keeps them crisp and tangy.

Pickling banana peppers or any pepper allows you to preserve the peppers so that you can use them at any time. A salt brine helps keep the flavor of the peppers preserved and maintains the crisp and tangy taste of a banana pepper. Banana peppers are a very tender pepper so don't heat them aside from a canning bath to keep them crisp. Pickling salt is used to create a salt brine and your pickled peppers will last several years. If you want to use a salt brine but want the banana peppers to taste a little sweeter, add a little sugar to the brine.


1. Wash the banana peppers thoroughly.

2. Cut the banana peppers in half and remove the seeds. If you want to keep more of the heat, you can make a slit in the side of each pepper and leave the seeds.

3. Pack in sterilized canning jars. You need to pack banana peppers, 1 clove garlic and 1 bunch of dill into each jar.

4. Bring the pickling salt, vinegar and water to a boil in a saucepan, then pour over the peppers and seal the lids on to each jar.

5. Process the jars in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.

6. Store the jars and open as desired.

Tags: banana peppers, banana peppers, crisp tangy, Pickling banana, Pickling banana peppers, salt brine