Thursday, July 2, 2009

Register And Purchase Gloria Jeans Coffee Online

If you have ever gone to a Gloria Jeans Coffee Shop in a mall, you know how good the coffee is. But, if you live in a city that does not have a Gloria Jeans Coffee Shop in their mall, you can now order any coffee you like online.


1. Open an Internet search engine. Open the search engine you use most often. Then type in "Gloria Jeans Coffee."

2. Click on "Search." A new page will open up and you will be taken to a page full of Gloria Jeans website links. Please click on the official website link.

3. Once at the Gloria Jeans Coffee website, click on the "Shop" button. This will take you to all the coffees and other products for purchase. You will also click on the "Login" button to register.

4. Click on the "Log in button." When you see the button, click on it and you will be taken to the next page where you will type in your email address and password. This is all you do to register.

5. Click on "Flavored Coffees." If you like flavored coffees, please click on this link. There are other links for coffee such as originals and blends, decaf, K-Cup, teas, cocoas and accessories.

6. Look through flavored coffee page. If you already drink Gloria Jeans Coffees and you know the one or ones you like, click on one at a time and they will be placed in your shopping cart.

7. View shopping cart and check out. Once you have added all the coffees you want to your shopping cart, click on the "Checkout" button.

8. Once you are at the shipping method page, choose which method of shipping you want for your order. There are three methods for shipping and your total will be shown at the right bottom of this page.

9. Finally, click on the "Continue to checkout" button. This will take you to the payment method page. On this page, your name will already be typed into the name box, all you need to do is type in your debit or credit card number in the empty box under your name. You can also choose to check the box where your payment method will be saved for future purchases. This was easy to do and in less than a week, your favorite coffees will arrive at your home.

Tags: Gloria Jeans, Gloria Jeans Coffee, Jeans Coffee, shopping cart, button This, button This will, Coffee Shop