Monday, November 15, 2010

Make A Cake Decorating Bag

When you have had your fill of cleaning the traditional polyester cake decorating bags, it may be time to try disposable parchment cake decorating bags. These bags take seconds to make, can be reused with different decorator tips and are easy to clean up.


Make the Bag

1. Buy Wilton parchment triangles from any craft store or a department store with a cake decorating section.

2. Place the parchment triangle in front of you. Put the triangle's longest edge away from you and the triangle's main point towards you.

3. Take the right hand point, curl the point towards you and place it against the main triangle point. The bottom side of the right hand point should be against the top side of the main point. This will form a cone shape.

4. Hold the points that you just matched, together and wrap around the other left hand side point, to match the other two. This will form a cone, bringing all three points to the same place.

5. Tape the seam of the cone along the outside.

6. Use the scissors to cut about half an inch of the parchment off, of the tip of the cone. This will make the top of the cone flat.

7. Drop a decorator tip into the bag. Make sure the tip sticks out further than the bag point. If this does not happen with the first cut, make another small cut until you have reached the desired opening for the tips.

Use the Bag

8. Fill bag with icing and begin decorating.

9. Unscrew the coupler tip holder and remove the tip. Replace with another tip and screw the holder back on.

10. Remove the tip and coupler from the bag when you are done decorating. Throw away the bag.

Tags: This will, cake decorating, cake decorating bags, decorating bags, form cone