Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fold Parchment Paper To Make Pan Liners

If you haven't already, you will soon learn that using parchment paper to line your baking utensils will dramatically decrease the amount of time it takes to clean the pan. Parchment paper is very affordable in grocery stores and can be used in pans or cookie sheets. If you do, cleaning will be as easy as removing the paper and throwing it in the trash. Find parchment paper that is coated with sulfuric acid that works well against grease and moisture.


1. Open a piece of parchment paper to have an idea on how large it is.

2. Place the parchment paper over the pan you want it to line.

3. Cut off any extra parchment paper, leaving about 1 inch on every side of the pan.

4. Hold one hand in the center of the pan to keep the parchment paper in place.

5. Scrunch the parchment paper with your other hand so that the end is tucked underneath the ledge of the pan. Continue to do this all the way around the pan. This will ensure that the paper stays in place when you're placing food on it or when you're moving it to and from the oven.

Tags: parchment paper, parchment paper