Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Eat Feta Cheese

A Greek salad is complete with crumbled feta cheese.

Feta is a traditional Greek cheese originally made from unpasteurized sheep or goat's milk. Today pasteurized cow's milk is also used in commercially produced feta. Feta, means "slice" in Greek, and it is made by draining curdled milk in cloth bags or special molds. The cheese is salted and packed into barrels with brine or whey, which is a by-product of the curdled milk. Once finished, it is a salty, tangy white cheese with a 30- to 60-percent fat content. Feta is eaten with traditional Greek dishes or on its own.



1. Cut a 1/2-inch slab of feta cheese and place on a plate. Feta typically comes in a square cake form, and it may be semi-hard to soft, depending on the fat content.

2. Drizzle olive oil over the feta cheese. The olive oil will help bring out the flavor of the cheese.

3. Sprinkle fresh oregano over the cheese to complement the cheese and serve immediately.


4. Wash and chop romaine lettuce. Place it in a salad bowl. Add sliced tomato and a few slices of red onion.

5. Add a few black olives on top of the salad and drizzle olive oil and red wine vinegar to taste.

6. Cut a slab of feta cheese and crumble over the salad. Add fresh pepper and salt to taste.

7. Serve with pita bread cut into triangles.


8. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit and grease your baking sheet.

9. Roll out your pizza dough to the size of your baking sheet with a rolling pin. Top the dough with artichokes, plum tomatoes, onion and 1 cup of crumbled feta cheese.

10. Drizzle your pizza with olive oil and bake for 15 minutes or until golden and crispy. Serve with fresh mint.

Tags: feta cheese, baking sheet, crumbled feta, crumbled feta cheese, curdled milk, Serve with