Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Home Can Chili

You can can your own chili at home if you're tired of store bought or take-out brands. Before you start cooking, make sure you get a pressure canner with more than 12 quart capacity. You will also need canning jars, lids, a jar lifter and a canning funnel.


1. Find a large stockpot and begin to brown the onions, beef, and garlic. Drain the fat; canned chili won't keep as well if it has a high fat content. Add the other ingredients and reduce the heat on the stove to simmer. Cook your chili for approximately 20-25 minutes, and then skim the fat again.

2. Use your pressure canner and keep simmering water. Place these clean jars in the simmering water for sanitization. If you have a dishwasher, you can use it as well. Put your jar lids in a bowl of hot water until you use them.

3. Spoon the hot chili into each jar and leave about 1 inch of space from the top. Make sure each chili jar is clean and that it seals. Place your lids on and tighten the lids until you feel resistance. Place the jars into the simmering water to seal.

4. Place the lids on the canner. You must vent the pressure canner after 10 minutes so you can close the petcock. Wait until the pressure hits 10 lbs. Place the lid on the canner but leave the petcock open. Process each jar for about an hour and a half.

5. After you have completed the process, let the pressure canner cool for 30 minutes. Let any steam remove from the pressure canner, and then use a jar lifter to take out the jars.

6. Let your jars sit for 24 hours. Tap the lids. If you hear a dull sound, serve that jar of chili in the next day or so. The lids should give off a ringing when tapped with a metal spoon.

Tags: pressure canner, simmering water, your chili, your lids