Thursday, August 15, 2013

Keep Fruit Salad From Changing Color

With a little care, you can keep your fruit salad colorful.

Under the best circumstances, a fruit salad offers vibrant colors along with equally bright flavors. If you include apple or banana pieces in the salad, however, this will not stay the case for long if you do not take special precautions. Once you slice these fruits, they begin to oxidize, and after a few hours they will be unsightly brown lumps in your fruit salad. If you will not be eating or serving the salad immediately after you make it, take a few minutes to ensure it stays beautiful.


1. Wait as long as possible to start making your fruit salad. The less time the fruit has to oxidize, the less it will become discolored. If possible, make your fruit salad immediately before you wish to serve it.

2. Use the sharpest knife possible to cut the fruits for your fruit salad. As simple as it seems, this trick can significantly help prevent the fruit from turning brown.

3. Toss the finished fruit salad with just enough lemon juice to coat all of the pieces of fruit. To minimize the lemony flavor (which should not be particularly strong anyway), you can mix equal parts of lemon juice and water and toss the salad with this mixture instead. Do not be overly vigorous when tossing the salad; it should be more of a gentle mixing process. The goal is simply to coat the fruit pieces with the lemon juice or juice mixture, not to bruise or damage them.

4. Refrigerate the fruit salad until you are ready to serve it.

Tags: fruit salad, your fruit salad, your fruit, lemon juice, fruit salad