Monday, August 5, 2013

Prevent Guacamole From Oxidizing

Keep your guacamole dip bright green and appetizing.

Avocados provide the main ingredient for guacamole dips. The creamy green of the avocado provides flavor, texture and color. Avocados oxidize, or discolor, when exposed to air. Oxidization occurs when the enzymes in the avocado are exposed to the oxygen in the air. Acidic additions to the guacamole recipe prevent the enzyme from reacting to the oxygen, which slows down the browning process. Preventing guacamole discoloration begins when you prepare the dip until the time you store it for later.


1. Add 1 tbsp. of lime juice for every avocado used in the guacamole during preparation. The acid in the juice prevents it from discoloring.

2. Place the mixed guacamole in an food storage container. Smooth the surface of the dip with the back of a spoon.

3. Lay a sheet of plastic wrap on top the guacamole. Press it down lightly so no air is trapped between the plastic and the dip.

4. Place the lid on the container and seal it closed. The plastic and the lid prevent oxygen from reaching the guacamole surface, since oxygen speeds discoloration.

5. Store the guacamole in the refrigerator for up to two days. The dip begins to discolor and become watery after two days even it properly prepared and wrapped.
