Friday, April 22, 2011

Almond Milk Vs Skim Milk

Before you pour that glass of whole milk, you might consider skim or almond milk as an alternative.

You have more options than that gallon of skim milk when you're faced with a dry bowl of cereal. Many dairy-free products made from vegetables and grains can supplement or replace cow's milk in your diet, such as almond milk. A few important differences other than taste might influence your choice between almond milk and skim milk.


Almond milk, a dairy-free alternative to animal milk, comes from ground and pureed almonds. Manufacturers make skim milk by separating and removing all the fat content from whole cow's milk. This stripping process, called skimming, leaves skim milk fat-free.

Nutritional Value

Skim milk comes with a grocery list of nutrients, including vitamins A, B and D. One cup of milk contains about 25 to 30 percent of your daily calcium intake. For the dieting drinker, fat-free skim milk makes the obvious choice. While it offers these nutritional advantages, skim milk still contains more fat than almond milk. People allergic to dairy, or "lactose intolerant," can choose almond milk as a non-dairy substitute. As a non-dairy milk, almond can replace cow's milk in baking recipes, cereal bowls and coffee creamers. It also boasts health benefits like unsaturated fats, zero calories and high amounts of vitamin E. However, unlike cow's milk, it does not contain Vitamin A, B or D, unless the manufacturer fortifies it.


Mass-produced, store-bought milk containers rarely contain milk alone. Many almond-milk producers use preservatives and thickeners in the recipes for their milk. Skim milk often contains similar preservatives and added vitamins not naturally present in the milk. When you're browsing the dairy aisle, read labels to figure out which brands offer the ingredients that suit your taste.

Homemade Almond Milk

It's easier to keep almonds than cows, meaning just about anyone can make almond milk at home. Soak regular almonds in clean water for at least 4 hours. Once they soften, strain the almonds from the water. Process them in the blender until they're finely ground, then add fresh water. Continue to add water as needed to achieve your desired consistency. Add maple syrup, cinnamon or vanilla to taste. Strain the product with three or four layers of cheesecloth to turn your almond puree into almond milk.

Tags: skim milk, almond milk, almond milk, almond milk, milk comes